
london l.

the bff & i plan a getaway every year - last year we went to see legally blonde on broadway (with miss laura belle bundy, natch!) this year, i totally want to go surfing, & i'm feeling like i need a cute board to go with me. london l surf will totally take care of that.

now which to choose? i think i'm totally after with the scales (yellow), or the eiffel tower (pink)... although the sea horse is awful cute!

(all images via londonlsurf.com)

edit: sealaura had a great question - you get to choose your colors & monogram. london l also gives you one proof with two rounds of revisions in the price. do let me know if you get one! i'm dying to hear how they ride!


  1. that seahorse is adorable but I like the light blue board as well. could we put the seahorse on the light blue board?

  2. I vote for the scales!! My 13-year-old neighbor says she will teach me to surf this summer...so I can be a good Jersey Shore girl and all. :-) I've always wanted to, and I'm not getting any younger, so we'll see.
